Hedayat, Sadegh
Tre gocce di sangue

Introduction: This collection of short stories, displays the disturbing and evocative force of HedayatÆs writing, and confirms his place in the literary canon. They depict a world of revelation, uncanny similarity, grotesquery, and insanity. The title story, Three Drops of Blood, follows the protagonistÆs increasingly unstable mental state through the repeated occurrence of three drops of blood, while Hadji Murat depicts an almost Joycean epiphany in classically understated terms, as a man mistakes another woman for his wife. These are stories that, though set in a distinctive milieu, deal with universal truths and cut to the very essence of humanity.

Personen: Hedayat, Sadegh

FrB Hed

Hedayat, Sadegh:
Tre gocce di sangue / Sadegh Hedayat. - Milano : Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Editore, 1979. - 142 S.

Zugangsnummer: 0007132001
FrB - Bücher