Bronté, Emily
Wuthering Heights

Introduction: "Wuthering Heights was hewn in a wild workshop, with simple tools, out of homely materials. The statuary found a granite block on a solitary moor... with time and labour, the crag took human shape; and there is stands colossal, dark, frowning, half statue, half rock; in the former sense, terrible and goblin-like; in the latter, almost beautiful, for tis colouring is of mellow grey, and moorland moss clothes it; and heath, with its blooming bells and balmy fragrance, grows faithfully close to the giant's foot"

Personen: Bronté, Emily

FrB Bro

Bronté, Emily:
Wuthering Heights / Emily Bronté. - 31. - London : Penguin Books, 1986. - 373
ISBN 978-0-14-043001-1

Zugangsnummer: 0006887001
FrB - Bücher