Thompson, Jonathan
Weighted Vest Workouts Supercharge Your Workout for Weight Loss, Muscle Building, Cardio Endurance and Core Strength

A REVOLUTIONARY PROGRAM FOR UTILIZING "WEARABLE" WEIGHTS TO TAKE YOUR GYM-FREE WORKOUT TO THE NEXT LEVEL Are you ready to take your body-weight workouts to the next level? This book shows how wearable weights can supercharge every exercise for the ultimate in fat burning and muscle building. The program in Weighted Vest Workouts offers a far more effective approach to total-body fitness, yet maintains the convenience of do-anywhere body-weight workouts, including: •Functional, gym-free exercises •Tips for weighted vests, ankle and wrist weights •Incremental routines from gentle to hardcore •Clear instructions with 100s of step-by-step photos Showing how to safely and effectively work out at home, Weighted Vest Workouts takes standard moves like push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups and burpees to a whole new level, guaranteeing a more remarkable transformation in strength, stamina and cardio health.

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Personen: Thompson, Jonathan

Thompson, Jonathan:
Weighted Vest Workouts : Supercharge Your Workout for Weight Loss, Muscle Building, Cardio Endurance and Core Strength : Perseus Book Group, 2015. - 144 S.
ISBN 9781612434285

Zugangsnummer: EM-400646516
Signatur: eBook -