Shaw, George Bernhard - Pygmalion - Analysis

The text deals with the stage performance "Pygmalion" of the Irishman Georg Bernard Shaw dating back to 1912. As a brief introduction to the topic is accomplished by delineat-ing the meaning of the word "Pygmalion" and by giving a short summary of the plot. Characterizations of the three main characters Henry Higgins, Colonel Pickering und Eliza Doolittle and how they relate to each other form an important part of the text. As a conclusion acts a speech analysis of Eliza Doolittle and its development throughout the plot. Content: Summary; Characterization of the three main characters; The relationship of the main characters to each other; The "Cockney" und Eliza's speech.

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Serie / Reihe: English Literature - analysed easily: Drama

Shaw, George Bernhard - Pygmalion - Analysis : School Scout, 2009. - 6 S.

Zugangsnummer: EM-354328697