Sparks, Nicholas
See me

Colin Hancock is giving his second chance his best shot. With a history of violence and bad decisions behind him and the threat of prison dogging his every step, he's determined to walk a straight line. To Colin, that means applying himself single-mindedly toward his teaching degree and avoiding everything that proved destructive in his earlier life. Reminding himself daily of his hard-earned lessons, the last thing he is looking for is a serious relationship.

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Personen: Sparks, Nicholas

Interessenkreis: englisch Fremdsprachig


Sparks, Nicholas:
See me / Nicholas Sparks. - Paperback ed., [Nachaufl.]. - London : Sphere, 2016. - 486 S. ; 18 cm. - Dt. Ausg. u.d.T.: Sparks, Nicholas: Wenn du mich siehst
ISBN 978-0-7515-5001-6 : EUR 12,99

Zugangsnummer: 2017/0588 - Barcode: 02221694
Schöne Literatur - Buch