Patterson, James
🔫 Murder in Paradise The Lawyer Lifeguard; The Doctor's Plot; The Shut-In

THE LAWYER LIFEGUARD with Doug Allyn: Defense lawyer Brian Lord survived the car bomb that killed his fiancée. Out of work and out of his mind, he takes on a lifeguard job at the beach. But there's one wave he'll never see coming.

THE DOCTOR'S PLOT with Connor Hyde: Abi Brenner is the new medical examiner in the Napa Valley, a dream job in a dream location. But her fairy tale will take a terrifying turn when she uncovers a series of murders - with one sinister thing in common.

THE SHUT-IN with Duane Swierczynski: Confined to a studio apartment, Tricia Celano watches the outside world through a flying drone. But when her high-tech toy records a vicious murder, she's determined to track down the killer - a killer who knows she's being watched.
[Quelle: Amazon]

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Personen: Patterson, James

Interessenkreis: Thriller Englisch Fremdsprachig


Patterson, James:
Murder in Paradise : The Lawyer Lifeguard; The Doctor's Plot; The Shut-In / James Patterson; Doug Allyn; Connor Hyde; Duane Swierczynski. - First Edition. - New York : Grand Central Publishing, 2018. - 428 Seiten. - Text in Englisch
ISBN 978-1-5387-3057-7 kartoniert : EUR 8,00

Zugangsnummer: 2020/1087 - Barcode: 2-3020002-7-00032256-0
Romane, Erzählungen, Dramen, Lyrik, Sammlungen - Buch